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Zines & Books

My price range for crafting a commissioned zine or a book is $200-$2000 depending on the content and page quantity. Feel free to reach out through e-mail if you're interested:

Thank you so much for supporting my life force and creative energy. It is so deeply appreciated.  

 I wrote this Zine during the first wave of covid a.k.a during my 12th house profection year. The 12th house is a space of self-undoing and meditation. It’s a time of feeling a little lost, held back and yet simultaneously set free, a time of feeling steeped in loss and possibility, of moving through grief and letting go of the old. Sometimes there are hidden enemies here too and a little bit of self- isolation. For me it was also a time of deep healing, a time of being still with the dark, of not knowing what's next - but gestating like a baby or a seed with its own blueprint tucked safely inside of its own being (intrinsically known), yet waiting for the right moment to unfold.

This zine is a little piece of me from then, suspended in time, a story that I hope offers you a little something to hold you through yours. It’s a little reminder to stay true to yourself even when you feel lost, to trust your gut and have faith in your own becoming. It offers some guidance to trust in the unknowable too and to never forget that you are safe and protected (inextinguishable) even when you don’t feel that way. 

Silver Linings Zine $15
~ 2019

LOLA zine.jpg

LOLA Bees Educational zine  ~2019 edition is Free
~ 2023  edition is $10

LOLA Bees is a learning apiary based in "London Ontario". If you join their mailing list through this link, you can receive the first zine for free on natural beekeeping. The second edition is $10.

Letters Unsent Zine 2022

This is a zine I wrote, little exerts from letters I never sent to a friend who was dying in another country during a global pandemic.

I still can't believe that all unfolded the way it did and the complexity of how it landed.

There are some things that happen in life that are so incredibly complex and insane that no one else can really understand what it was like unless they lived in your body and mind at the time. 

Zine on Poverty 2023
~ $15 


Children's Book for Walter ~2019

I've been sitting on writing this zine for at least a decade. Maybe because much of what encompassed childhood poverty to me is too vulnerable to share publicly. 

It still lives in me and keeps me bound in ways. So I guess what I'm sharing here are merely glimpses of what I associate with poverty and classism, what has felt  and still feels dehumanizing to me alongside what I most value(d) about the experience. 

There are so many different ways of experiencing poverty, so many sets of circumstances that can lead us there or keep us there. On the one hand these are shared experiences (not to be confused with stereotypes) and on the other hand and maybe more accurately, they are unique interplay between who we are in this world to the systems we live in and under and the meaning we attribute to our experiences that stretch far beyond such confines. 

Some things we unpack for a lifetime or lifetimes maybe even. Poverty to me feels that way, like a guided tour down this inner and outer landscape, where I'm constantly unravelling new meaning ~ teachings that are both cruel and profound. I've realized at the deepest level of Self that there's a reckoning to such a process/experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. 

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