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  • Writer's picturenatmoynagh


Updated: Feb 28

Everyone has the capacity to heal themselves, but we too often mistake healing as something we need to go out and get from someone else. Sometimes this is an important step on our healing journeys but more often than not, the sense of peace and connection we crave has usually been laying dormant inside of us all along.  We all have access to source. We are inextricably linked to the universal life force that flows through our bodies and animates all living things.  This beingness we long to return to often gets blocked by the various traumas that arise in our lives, through misinterpretations of our selves and the culture of busy. By tapping into our innate capacity to heal we begin to develop a relationship to source, (whether it is through growing a deeper awareness of our own spiritual bodies, the spirit of our ancestors, nature or through a spiritual practice of some kind) we begin to reclaim our true selves. Here we can cultivate a relationship with consciousness itself and experience a sense of calm that unfolds when energy blocks begin to dissipate through connecting to something larger than the egoic self. Often we live our lives on autopilot. We don't realize the stresses that we carry with us or the armouring we build up over time to protect ourselves. We have learned through a sick culture to stuff our feelings away, to be 'professional', nice or tough instead of remaining in touch with our true selves and the sensations that naturally arise in our bodies. We think our resistance to pain protects us and in some ways it buys us more time to work through things later but more often we forget what's inside of us (not living) and it makes us anxious, depressed or chronically sick. We forget how to be open, how to feel and release these tense energetic states that so badly want our attention. We have the power to reconnect with these wounded places in ourselves, to dissolve the resistance and create more space for joy and presence in our lives.  It's impossible to live in this culture and have it all together. We are all wounded and all on the mental health spectrum. Energy healing is a reliable tool that is always available to everyone by virtue of being in a body. We are all mediums for universal life force. 

Maybe you just have to put your hands wherever it hurts and ask for assistance from whatever you believe in whether it's your "higher" self or something else connected to source.

Maybe you find healing through dance, or art, walking through nature or taking a bath. Maybe it's chatting with your dead grand-mother, planting a garden or mindfully eating. Whatever it is, know that you have access to healing no matter who you are, no matter what your life circumstance is. You are powerful beyond measure.

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